Knox's comms
(Anx the Artist Fox)
Link to my new website! will be clearing most of this carrd out so that I have the links, gallery, Lgbtq+ things, about me, and traumas left!
I'm an artist who draws for fun on the internet! I want to some day make this a job of mine!I go by Knox online and offline!
I use the pronouns she/her, they/them, it/it's, currently! I identify as a demigirlflux, demisexual/demiromantic(interchangeable), and an androphile! I am an avid lgbtqia+ rights advocate!I do suffer from mental illnesses, but I won't tell unless ur a moot, close friend, or someone I know irl.Any questions about commissions or just in general? Dm/pm me or email me! I also have a curious cat linked down below for anyone who prefers to ask questions that way!
My flags and my sexual orientation results!
Do not interact if you are a:
mcyt/mcyttwt Stan/support dream and his friends, and the dsmp.
Irl shipper.
Anti undertale.
Have come to harass me about my interests.
Want free art or won't pay for my art through the numerous options I have (beggars).
Have come to steal my art (I will find out about it).
generally want to make my experience on any platform I'm on worse.
Political associated, cryptocurrency associated, or want to sell me some oils, workout routines, etc.
Bi/pan/mspec/any other label that is attached with the term lesbian(I don't support bi/pan/mspec/+lesbians!! I do support sapphics and lesbians who ONLY LIKE OTHER WOMEN/WOMEN ALIGNED PPL, and not men being included in their definition of being lesbian! I do support nb lesbians and the like, as long as they're not including men.)
Enbyphobic, transphobic, lgbtqia+phobic, and anyone who is against the lgbtqia+ community in any other way.
you are a troll account/Troll ( you guys literally make my mental health decline like the snap of a finger)
use or make nfts, or will use my art for nfts
Will add more/take away some if necessary!!!
Traumas to be aware of when interacting with me!♥️-----------------------------------------♥️❌Politics❌Joining/getting public chat invites❌Mentions of/or doing abuse/fights/loud noises/unexpected loud noises/screaming❌Mentions of self harm/ asking about my self harm❌Mentions of murder/stabbing/anything in that realm❌Mentions of mental health issues❌Being left on read for a long time❌Trauma from getting in trouble❌inviting me to voice chats and/or public chats with people talking in them, or video chats.❌Seeing pictures of/talking about/ mentioning dead/dying pets/animals and/or losing pets/animals.❌Mentioning Milo and Otis or things that happen in the film❌Telling me my abuse I faced was fake/I'm insane/ my abuse was a joke.❌Pictures/mentions of guns/gun violence(Will add more if I remember them, or get more traumas. )♥️-----------------------------------------♥️
My gallery of ever-growing artworks!
Undertale and the many many aus
Nsr (no straight roads)
Portal (1+2, and other valve games)
Roleplaying (only on roblox)
Little inferno (and other games made by their creators)
Pokemon (games)
Horror games
Ghost movies (the conjuring series, etc.)
Resident evil
Ds/3ds/dsi games
All RYTHM HEAVEN fever games!
Obey me!
Will add more if rembered/I gain more interests!
My current commissions and prices!
-Wip!--Do not use my art for nfts.
-Do not commission me nsfw or to do nsfw of minors, even if they are just characters. I will not do ship art of sa, noncon, rape, and a number of other things.
-Do not use my art to resell, unless it is going with a character, and you need to rehome it.
-Do not repost or use my art w/o credit!
-If using my art for reference, please credit me!
-if reposting artwork you got from me please link my Carrd and link/@ me!
- I do not do refunds! If you have a problems with the art, I will change it! I charge 7$ USD per change after 3 free changes!
- I have a cancellation fee of 7$ USD if you do not want to go through with the rest of the art work. I will give you what I have if you cancel it.
- it usually takes me up to a few hours to 2 weeks to do commissions. If you need it rushed, there will be a 5$ rush fee! Quality might decrease.
- I have the right to refuse service to anyone I please.Questions? Email me or dm me on the links at the bottom of the page!!There is no password, but I will know if you didn't read my tos!
Links!!! vvvv